So right now I am going to try to become more vegetarian/anti deep fried eating habits. This is mainly for health reasons and also to get rid of that oily feeling that my skin gets after eating certain foods. I would eventually like to get rid of most fried foods and meats, with the exception of french fries since they are quite yummy.
Here is a list of exceptions however
- fish and most seafood
- game meat
- Non-"Organic" Foods
As for Organic food, I can understand most of the reason why one would eat organic food, but I believe that things like milk and juices should be pasteurize. I bet you the next epidemic bacteria will probably be because a lack of pasteurization, well as long as I am not a carrot juice drinking ballroom dancer I should be fine.
I have decided to start removing meat systematically, as appose to doing the whole lot cold turkey.
First thing up on the list. Beef.